Sunday, November 16, 2003

The Ten Commandments and Ancient History

This being Sunday, I thought I'd post what my wife took to Sunday School today to teach her pre-schoolers:

The Ten

1. You must not worship any other gods.
2. You must not make any idols or images to worship.
3. You must not use my name wrongfully.
4. You must not work on the Sabbath day.
5. You must honor your father and mother.
6. You must not kill.
7. You must not take someone else's husband or wife.
8. You must not steal.
9. You must not accuse anyone unjustly.
10. You must not covet things that belong to other people..

Remind me again why they are so hated by liberals? If you give them a moment's thought you realize that it's only the last six that are the "meat of implementation" -- the first four serve as operational glue and binding if you will. If we leave aside the first four for now, which are constantly and egregiously violated by liberals -- not to even mention conservatives -- I find it interesting that there's a particular lib (and socialist for that matter) focus on 9 and 10.

[UPDATE: Of course, as a one-time atheist myself, what I meant to say about the first 4 is that they will be violated as a matter of course by all non-Jews and non-Christians; I'm pointing out that the last six are candidates for achieving a "universal" applicability. Another context to think of this in is the recent quote from Thomas Friedman about Bush something to the effect of "just because George Bush believes it doesn't necessarily make it wrong". Are libs really ready to go so far as to claim that murder must be right just because Christians believe it's wrong? I never in my wildest dreams could have believed we could reach such a point -- but maybe the mass murder of Christians for being "too stupid" is becoming conceivable after all? And scroll up to check out my comments on the latest from the AnalPhilosopher!]

I believe there's a method to the madness and I'm going to be spending some words on it in the future.

To expand the vein of ancient wisdom, the libs have also buried and reviled the cardinal Greek virtues of moderation, courage, justice and wisdom. I believe this is also no mistake.

The most hilarious recent anecdote on the subject of classicism occured at a recent DC lecture by Victor Davis Hanson, a classicist and military historian. Upon the introduction of VDH as a classicist, one of Nancy Pelosi's staffer's jumped up and left shouting words to the effect that he wasn't going to be hanging around to listen to any "classist"! The very descriptor, much less the effective teaching, of ancient history has been expunged from our vocabulary. Even more to the point, the phrase "ancient history" has become a term of derision...