Friday, January 09, 2004

A Kuru-like Plague?

Yeooouch! Check out Austin Bay:
Mad Howard's frantic, peptic rise to top dog in the Democratic pack exhibits similar symptoms, from his "unsteady" (retracted) crack about rebel flags to his hideous conspiratorial "hint" that President Bush knew in advance of 9-11, to his demand we deal with the Soviet Union (it's Russia now, Howard), to his huff that America is no safer with Saddam Hussein incarcerated, followed by his startling revelation that Job is his favorite book in the New Testament.

Imagine the monthlong jihad Maureen Dowd and other smirky national press pooh-bahs would have waged had Bush done a similar job on Job. [Emphasis added.]
Definitely a RTWT! Smiles abound...