Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Gandering And Guffawing At Galloway's Gallows

Sometimes you may think there's no justice in the world. But once in while a story comes along that just warms your heart like this one about British Saddam sycophant George Galloway:
Given Galloway's high profile anti-war record, his richly deserved reputation as a Muslim sycophant and his frequent visitor status with Saddam, plus the fact that Muslims may be reluctant to vote for a black Jewish woman and even less likely to vote Conservative, George had reason on his side in thinking he could have been a natural shoo-in.

Alas, last Wednesday night's public meeting ended in a knock-down drag-out between just about everyone. At a dinner in the nearby Bangladeshi curry restaurant (sit down and take-out) Zeera, at a $50-a-head fundraising for King, a surprise celebrity had been announced.

Meanwhile, before King's fundraiser, Galloway and King met on the hustings for some electioneering before a crowd made up mainly of young Muslim men. The sitting MP, King, who holds the Labour seat with a 10,000 vote majority, many of them middle class whites, told the crowd that a vote for Respect would split the Labour vote and hand a victory to the Conservatives. Galloway accused Tony Blair of "waging war on Muslims" and accused Oona King of being "soft on drugs".

Vituperative accusations flew back and forth between the two candidates. Meanwhile, the crowd of young Muslim men pelted King with eggs and slashed her tires. The Independent's Johann Hari wrote of the Muslim men (no women): "They are intelligent and furious young conservatives, driven by hatred of Western liberalism in all its forms, and absolutely convinced they are being viciously persecuted by the 'infidel' state. It is very hard to engage them in a political dialogue that makes sense -- you talk tax credits and they talk Caliphate, you talk a higher minimum wage and they talk about Mohammed's third wife."

Sure enough, if the Muslim crowd didn't like King, neither did they like Galloway -- who has adopted almost every conservative Islamic position on almost everything, and, like Rod Stewart in his golden oldie Maggie Mae, "couldn't have tried any more" -- accusing him of being "a false prophet".

As the crowd was turning ugly, back at the Bangladeshi Zeera, which had had the honor of preparing a take-out for the IOC when they visited London, the surprise celebrity had entered and turned out to be none other than the prime minister's wife Cherie, a High Court judge. Ms. Booth (as she prefers to be called when it suits her), no lightweight, hove onto the little platform and began attacking George Galloway and Respect with a level of petty invective and vulgarity surprising from a British High Court judge.

"I'm sure his mother loves him," she sneered, inexplicably. "But," she revved up the crowd, "give George Galloway a bloody nose!"

The crowd at the hustings had more than a bloody nose in mind for George, informing him that they were "setting up a gallows" for him. It seems that, among the many other things about the West that offend him, Allah doesn't like voting, either. According to these angry young Muslims, the revealed truth is, voting is "un-Islamic". Live and learn. Any young Muslims contemplating voting for Galloway and Respect were warned that they would attract a sentence of death. One of them went so far as to issue a fatwa on Galloway, although as a non-cleric his word carries no weight other than intimidation.

As the level of invective and violence rose, and the two groups of Muslims turned to punching, pulling offensive weapons and kicking each other, Galloway's daughter, who had been waiting for him in his car, called the police.
The bad news is that these people psychopaths want to kill us too...