Wednesday, October 04, 2006

"This young man's name is now one of Technorati's top search terms thanks to the conservative outing mob. Are you proud of sinking to the level of the liberal witch hunters? Shall we all shrug our shoulders now and accept the inevitability of turning into our own worst enemies? [ Let's be clear and this will end my commentary unless there's some new truly astounding revelation. Foley should be prosecuted to the maximum extent the law (ironically his I suspect) allows. And if the Republican leadership really did try to hide this in any significant way then they should be replaced. But making this the centerpiece of the current off year election campaign's denouement does nothing but reveal the true nature of our corrupt, National Enquirer minded media. And the sad level of mind control they have achieved over an educationally shortchanged electorate. Somehow the compare and contrast with the Gerry Studds and Barney Frank travesties seem not to come up -- I can't imagine why? Could it be that it wouldn't be to the Dems advantage? It would be risible if it didn't have such dire consequences for the very survival of Western Civ. Those few of us free-thinkers that remain anyway... -ed. ] "