Friday, March 16, 2007

G-d Done It? Or Perhaps Instead The Weather Witches?

"Since 19th century European intellectuals decided to murder G-d and throw his remains in a dumpster, Death has stalked the world, reaping hundreds of millions of souls with industrial efficiency. Of course, the really bright, post-normal folk will tell you it was Christianity done it.

Yeah...when I think of WWI, WWII, Fascism, National Socialism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, Potism (Who knew?), and Islamofascism, I think G-d, don't you? For a dead guy, G-d sure causes a lot of trouble.

Did something happen to the gene pool during the Little Ice Age?" [ Actually, there were clearly some quite severe problems then. This 7 minute video might help you understand... -ed. ]