Thursday, April 19, 2007

I Am Sam Of Horrible Ham

"Indeed. In fact, this malignant positioning of a ham steak can’t help but escalate into something like, say, the firebombing of mosques, or the videotaped beheadings of Muslim students filmed in the AV room of the Junior high.

Of course, Kosher-keeping Jews who’ve assimilated into public schools have been subjected to sightings of the unholy alliance of meat and cheese, the arrogant parading (by unclean Goyim) of ham sandwiches—even, in some cases, the presence of breakfast sausages!—for what seems like decades.

But then, they control the world. So a bit of religious inconvenience is a small price to pay in exchange for ownership of world’s banks, the western media, the Hollywood and New York entertainment industries, and having practically cornered the market on orthodontics

Whereas Muslims? They must be treated like exotic plants. And sometimes you have to squash a few bugs if your goal is to keep the soil around the protected plant “pure.”

Think of it as horticultural dhimmitude—helped along, of course, by PC puppets and a multicultural ethos in which bureaucrats have become increasingly risk averse, and are willing to criminalize anything that could possibly give offense, provided the offense is against certain protected groups.

Let’s just hope criminal prosecution follows. Because I relish the image of a 14-year old doing federal time alongside hardcore white supremacists for “illegally positioning a ham steak