Tuesday, August 07, 2007

That Ol' Time Corruption

clipped from www.indcjournal.com

No area of Iraq is quite like another, but the prevalence of "criminal gangs" and "systematic misuse of official institutions, political assassinations [and] tribal vendettas" are pretty universal in all but Iraqi Kurdistan. I've previously highlighted this gangsterism and scarcity of civic spirit as Iraq's most pressing problems. And problematically, the best solution is a long-term American dedication and oversight that mirrors British colonialism without the absolute control, tribute and exploitation. We all know how unrealistic any such level of commitment is ...

Two officials were engaged in a conversation about how al Qaeda was able to infiltrate trouble spots in Iraq so effectively. The illuminating exchange revealed how much of the strife in Iraq is rooted not in religious fervor, but in greed. Greed for power, greed for money.