Monday, April 14, 2008

Iran Has

has very good description of the ongoing fight between coalition
forces and the Iranian Special Groups/JAM (SG/JAM) combo in Iraq.

Within that area are two major strongholds of the SG/JAM: Baghdad and Basra.
Interspersed between are the "Five Cities": Karbala, Hillah, Kut, Najaf, and Diwaniyah, which form subsidiary strongholds. Each stronghold is roughly
configured in the following way. The JAM are assigned a task roughly
historically equivalent to that of the Viet Cong while the Special Groups
reprise the role of the NVA. That is to say the JAM takes care of the "mass
base" -- creating safe havens, maintaining information security, etc --
while the SG handles the more complex operations. The whole is under the command
or at least the influence of the Iranian Qods.

I think the judgment is that Iran's time has come. Most people should have seen this coming.

I'm pretty certain Iran has.

It knows full well it is about to be engaged.
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