Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Not So Hidden Hand

What are we to conclude from this? Ledeen argues:
Iran, then, is the common denominator of recent events in Iraq: the mullahs organized the rocket attacks in Baghdad, they have supported al Qaeda in Iraq from the beginning, and they have a major role in the activities of the Shi’ite militias. It is going to be very difficult, indeed virtually impossible, to achieve durable security in Iraq without forcing an end to Iran’s many murderous activities there.
After Ledeen's original post making this point, the not very hidden hand of Iran emerged from behind the scenes to announce a "peace agreement" that seeks the termination of the current offensive.
Jack Kelly makes an overwhelmingly sensible observation. It is an observation that escapes both the authors of the Post article as well as the authors of the New York Times article that is Kelly's fodder, and that belies the theme of these articles: "It is rare in the annals of war for the side which is winning to seek a cease fire."