Monday, June 02, 2008

Puzzles For Feeble Minded Greens

the New Zealand Herald is blunt: “How to meet the lofty target is a puzzle. Clean renewables are still in their infancy yet will be required to deliver gigawatts of power when many fossil-fuel and nuclear power stations are at the end of their operational life.”


In Sweden, of course, all nukes are at the end of their life thanks to the government’s nearly 30-year ban. In the face of this blunder, Sweden’s government has postponed its 2010 deadline as it scrambles to find a solution to its aging utility infrastructure and emissions ceiling.


Public opinion is also swinging back towards nukes as Swedes realize freezing in the dark is not an option. As Mechanical Engineering Magazine notes, for all of Scandinavia’s green preening, “per capita consumption of electricity in Sweden is 16,500 kilowatt-hours per year, among the highest in the world” — thanks to “its electricity-intensive industries, such as pulp and paper processing, mining, steel forging, and chemical formulation.”