Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lock Your Doors

Meanwhile, the Left’s Sarah Palin hatred has been encouraged by the in-your-face comments of Michelle Obama, who derided the Alaska governor’s intellect (“What you learn about Barack from his choice is that he’s not afraid of smart people”) and looks (don’t cast a vote because “she’s cute”) on the campaign trail. And Team Obama’s goons on the Internet — led by Gawker Media and the Huffington Post — are reveling in the hacking of Palin’s private e-mail account, the publication of private, family photos of her children stolen from her account, and the abuse of daughter Bristol’s cell-phone number stolen from the account. For countless friends of Obama, “in your face” is code for “anything goes.”

In words and actions that would have made his mentor Saul Alinsky proud, Barack Obama is rubbing raw the sores of discontent — and summoning his unhinged flock to do the same. All hail the community-agitator-in-chief. And remember: Lock your doors.
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