Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Sick Joke

We read that the Harper government has vowed to oppose polygamy before the courts. This is a sick joke, to those who remember how Stephen Harper disposed of same-sex marriage.

To ensure self-defeat, his government is now mounting its whole case on "Canadian values." As one legal blogger writes, "Canadian values" currently embrace saving puppies, but eating cows. "Canadian values" would have some relevance to the case if Canadians had the right to decide whether they wanted polygamy to be legal; and if, moreover, Canadians were allowed to debate such issues openly, freed from the legal and other intimidations of the politically correct.

But we have lost that right, which has been transferred -- thanks chiefly to the Charter, but also to various supporting trends in politics, jurisprudence, bureaucracy, and media -- to special-interest activists who can afford lawyers and lobbyists to work the system.