Saturday, August 29, 2009

No Time To Talk. Must Act!

It conforms to a broad view — long and fondly
promoted by fans of Big Government — that capitalism is essentially
short-sighted and greed-driven (just look at the subprime crisis!).
This stance is not merely appealing to activist politicians and
bureaucrats, it is pure gold for the vast and growing army of radical
NGO environmental lobby groups, whose raison d’être — and fundraising —
are closely related to the degree to which nature is seen to be
“endangered.” It is also appealing to rent seeking businessmen who see
the profit potential in the vast array of controls and subsidies.
For a start, the
weight of authority is based on the political doctoring of studies that
are in any case designed to countenance no other conclusion than that
man-made carbon dioxide drives the climate. Moreover, the very fact
that the theory’s promoters are so reluctant to actually engage in
scientific debate (No time to talk. Must act!) is highly suspicious.
Where have I heard that before?