Friday, April 09, 2010

Kabuki Serfdom Theatre

clipped from
Of course this is all kabuki theater. Meanwhile the campaign contributions for O Duce continue to pour in from the Wall Street scolded who frankly aren't even bright enough to have read Hayek's "Road To Serfdom" where the previous dress rehearsal for this farce was vivisected. (What, they didn't tell you that Wall Street contributed 4-1 in favor of Obama? Now why would that not be mentioned? Down the memory hole it goes.)

Even sadder, only the "one bomb state" Jews in Israel seem to now get it. Not in time I fear. Useless as I am, I continue to stand in solidarity with them.

And yes, W was probably at least a contender to the kabuki throne. So let's turn the amp up to 11 and march forward, shall we?

Oh, and BTW. Of course the big banks as well as many small ones should have been allowed to go "bankrupt". Somehow folks seem to have been so extensively "retrained" that they are unable to even recognize root words!

The fact that neither W nor Obama allowed it tells you exactly where their bread is buttered.

UPDATE: Did you know that there was a Reader's Digest version done of the Road To Serfdom back in the 40s? And that it sold over 5 MILLION copies back then? My how the world forgets. The IEA download I just linked even has a cartoon version of the Road To Serfdom.