Sunday, March 14, 2010

Guilty Geithner

clipped from

If you're looking for a reader's guide to attorney Anton R.
Valukas' report
on the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, Yves Smith
at Naked Capitalism has a
quirky, erudite take
that calls the cops on Secretary of the
Treasury (then president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Tim Geithner.

And most important, it says that the NY Fed, and likely Geithner
himself, undermined, perhaps even violated, laws designed to
protect investors and markets. If so, he is not fit to be Treasury
secretary or hold any office related to financial supervision and
should resign immediately.

John|3.12.10 @ 12:44PM|

If the CFO of a company hides the true financial state of that
company in order to avoid stock prices going down, it is called
securities fraud. Indeed, isn't that what the guys at World Com and
Enron were guilty of?