Saturday, March 20, 2010


Barack Obama has recorded his second annual Nowruz message for Iran. The man is a nattering nabob of Nowruzianism.

In his message Obama acknowledges Iran's right to peaceful use of nuclear energy. He purports to be mystified by the beliefs of "Iran's leaders." He must not be paying close attention.

You will be pleased to note that the United States remains interested in "comprehensive diplomatic contact and dialogue." Without reviewing Obama's message in detail, let me note only that watching It is painful.

Obama's Nowruz message to Iran contrasts markedly with the forthright and dignified message regarding Iran delivered by Neda's fiancé yesterday in Israel:

The fiancé of Neda Agha-Soltan, who was killed during protests in Teheran following the Iranian elections last year, visited Israel as guest of Channel 2, the station reported Friday evening.