Friday, September 10, 2004

The KERNel of Truth And An Elephantine Retraction

While kerning gets straightened out we have another rather big elephant crowding into what's now feeling like a closet bursting at the seams.

You know, I'm making this sound like I take great pleasure in watching the spectacle. I'm not. This is really flippin sad to see Goldberg's "groupthink" right over a cliff.

There really are debates to be had by reasonable people in this election. (UPDATE: like this) And this variant of mental illness is near perfect tinder for the Tinfoil Apocalypse. Coming shortly to a blog near you...

Did I forget to mention that even WaPo's on the scent now?

UPDATE: And of course, there remains a Rove behind every Bush. But just don't call me paranoid. UmmHmmmmm...

Yup, we're rapidly headed for a Torricelli manuever. It's a lot like a Hiemlich manuever only in reverse...