Sunday, October 26, 2003

A Key Point Regarding Hitchens' "Against Rationalization" Thesis

The main argument with any semblance of rationality by the Bush hater crowd against Hitchens' point:
What they abominate about "the West," to put it in a phrase, is not what Western liberals don't like and can't defend about their own system, but what they do like about it and must defend: its emancipated women, its scientific inquiry, its separation of religion from the state. (Christopher Hitchens, "Against Rationalization")
is that it's Bush they're after -- not us nice people and not Clinton for instance.

This argument is bogus: terrorist Ramzi Yousef boasted that the goal of the WTC I bombing under Clinton's reign was to topple one tower into another with the aim of 250,000 deaths! We were tremendously lucky. And of course, there were plenty of attacks on Clinton's watch including the USS Cole, Khobar Towers and the African embassies. And Yousef was busting his butt after WTC I to simultaneously blow up a dozen airliners over the Pacific it turns out.

So basically, you would need to elect a virtual communist like Dennis Kucinich to have any prayer of success with this line of reasoning. Number 1, that just ain't going to happen in America for at least 10-20 years due to the way the two party system currently still works -- the Dems would suffer a bigger than McGovern-sized defeat.

Number 2, it would fail on the merits of course. Dopey as Kucinick is, I doubt even he would send out his KuciNazis to put bags over all our women's bodies and heads. (See, I can even say nice things about people who blind me with the reflections from their tinfoil hats.) And if he did, any nutballs who tried to enforce it would find there are still too many guns in the country to make such vile nonsense stick -- thank God!

And while he might actually succeed in temporarily damaging scitech with some sort of "plan from planet Lysenko" ("What? You say there's been a warming trend since the last Ice Age?! The gulag for you!"), if anything he would work night and day to destroy religion rather than incorporate it into the state.

Now, of course, just a moderate implementation of that might jar Christians enough to reopen their history books and remember that there were at least 3 million (and possibly as high as 12 million) Christians killed in the Holocaust alongside the 6 million Jewish victims -- and that doesn't count the tens of millions of Christians killed in the fighting of the war, of course. And out would come the guns. Not to mention that the police and military in this country are still heavily Christian and would be more likely to start giving ACLU members two year sentences for ginned-up parking tickets instead.

And if Dennis really got his tinfoil hat cockeyed and decided to institute Islam as the new American religion of state ("because, you know, we need to make up for all the enslavement of the Muslims we have done") then the last paragraph would be a way, way, way conservative estimate of what would happen...