Friday, January 14, 2005

Some Boom Lowering

on the Pein twerp by Dr. Newcomer has already started out as a good read. But I'm turning in for the night. Go read it if you're still awake -- I'll have much more to say about this... (Hat tip Charles)
Of pajamas and bribery. (Hat tip Glenn)
False consciousness AND bad faith.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Muddle in the middle.
Sadly, I can only concur with Roger in the hope that Thornburgh was bribed...

I Am Not Paid To Blog

Let me make this clear for those with visual impairments:
Not only that but no Blogads either.

Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Only the "Jaw Droppers" and other useful stuff over right.

And I don't wear a tinfoil hat to protect myself from Karl Rove's influence.

He wears one for protection from me.

Just in case you think I was only talking about Williams...

And yes, it hurt to detract from one of my better punchlines in a while but what's right gets done around here. And that would be in the moral sense of the r-word...

AND ANOTHER: I forgot to mention that I really do feel bad now even using the S-word. Look at this if you want to know what the left really looks like. Hang in there Michelle! This is just nuts -- literally. Just to put this in perspective, I have been a serious email user since the early 80's and I don't think I've EVER sent anything that even APPROACHED having the S-word in it much less this appalling garbage.

My use of the S-word was entirely a fit of turnabout is fair play in light of the utter hypocrisy of Kos. If I had Kos' (or C-BS') ethics I would remove it from my site. But that would actually be an ethical lapse as a blogger.

So I issue an apology to my readers.

I'm still pondering whether it applies to Kos... (Not that someone like him would actually care of course.)
Maybe I'll have to switch and start calling them the Cuckoo-crats. No wonder they're rooting for the Islamists...

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Don't need no stinkin' kuffars here. We'd rather have babies starve to death apparently...

UPDATE: Here's the kind of dastardly deeds they're trying to "protect" themselves from. Cuckoo ... Cuckoo ... Cuckoo.
Bolshevik -- in case you were wondering. Which you shouldn't.

And then there's always the insidious connection to the Pope...
Warren On He Who Hows.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Western Civilization is morally superior ... no maybe about it.
That number would be 150,000. Thanks and all glory be to Bill Clinton and Creighton Abrams...
Quote of the Day: "Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” -- Lao-Tzu (570 - 490 BC), Chinese philosopher and father of Taoism

When I If I can ever find an Islamic quote that isn't balderdash I'll print it in this space too. I'm still waiting.

Monday, January 10, 2005

The Non-Technical C-BS Post

contest is won by Cox and Forkum:

And while virtually all journalists are Victicrats they all put that aside every day at work and are completely objective.

Goebbels would be proud of them.

Their ability to tell the BIG LIE that is...

C-BS: Worse Than Whitewash -- Hogwash

Hugh has the best non-technical coverage of Rathergate. Start here and keep scrolling.

Well, OK, Power Line must be given its due :) Especially on this post:
The other thing I'd really like to know, though, is why CBS moved the 60 Minutes program up from the end of September to September 8. The Thornburgh report talks about this change, and blames it for the fact that the show was put together in too much of a hurry.

But why? Someone made the decision to move the program up; the report doesn't tell us who. I'll give you a hypothesis as to why it happened: the Kerry campaign was dying because of the Swift Boat Vets' attacks, and CBS was desperate--with or without explicit communication with the DNC and the Kerry campaign--to do something to stem the tide. To "change the momentum of an election," as Michael Smith emailed to Mary Mapes.

If that hypothesis isn't right, can someone give us another one?
Now you know to go to that post for sure but I also recommend scrolling up and down!

Well, OK, Dr. Simon has a take on the Grey NYeT perspective.

But so far, no evidence has emerged that the Thornburg/Bocardi panel has even seriously studied the pre-eminent technical analysis of the C-BS manure. There is exactly ONE reference to Dr. Newcomer's analysis in the report -- apparently via quoting of the Washington Post. While at least the Post reference to Newcomer's analysis is positive, considering this a sufficient technical treatment is far beyond risible. We will need to invent an entirely new word in fact.

Well, OK, we already have one that will do for semi-polite conversation where everyone clearly needs to be informed of the situation without quite saying what we REALLY think: HOGWASH!

The report doesn't come out and say that the documents are irrefutably technical forgeries. That would be because they have simply not seriously gone out the find the pre-eminent technical analysis available by an actual technical expert.

Dr. Newcomer's work is entirely sufficient to unequivocally prove forgery. And if they had any question about that they would have convened a technical panel that consisted of academic and industry experts -- Dr. Newcomer's PhD places him in both camps -- and subjected his analysis to a rigorous review. I would be quite impressed if they could find ANY SUBSTANTIVE ERROR in his analysis.

I think there are two primary possibilities why Thornburg/Bocardi didn't do this: 1) They had a pre-determined outcome they were shooting for based on political horse trading or 2) they are simply incompetent regarding how to analyze anthing technical. (Scientific method? Refereed papers? Techical panels? What's that stuff?)

It's hard to tell at this junction but I'm starting to lean toward BOTH as the answer.

This leads me to some additional thoughts on the role and future of the blogosphere in bringing sorely needed expertise to bear in the public square -- but I'm out of time for tonight.

Did I mention I have a Master's in Computer Science and if you read my resume you'd realize that I have more than a little credibility to bring to this as a technical problem? When you're spitting up blood do you just shrug and say it's too complicated to understand and it's not provable you're sick? Or do you call a doctor?

CBS hasn't called the doctor -- because they don't want to know they're sick.

The value of the blogosphere is that the "ill" get the "housecalls" they need even if they try to lock the door and strap on their tinfoil hats. And no matter what "estate" they live on...

Read this as a warm-up for future posts on this subject.

By the way, Charles has been under DDOS attack but has some things to say on Discarded Lies in the mean time. And his voice deserves to be heard over the nutjobs.

And yes, this is a signature topic on this blog.

And it ain't going away as long as the hogs are squealing...
A beautiful ripost to snooty Eurabian ignorance.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Today's Religious Quotations

Here are some of the great quotes I've recently run across -- or been coming back to regarding religion:

"A true opium of the people is a belief in nothingness after death -- the huge solace of thinking that for our betrayals, greed, cowardice, murders, we are not going to be judged." -- Czeslaw Milosz

(By the way, please read David Warren's column just linked to. And if you start it you have to promise me that you'll finish it -- for you'll be rather challenged by the last three paragraphs but possibly dismissive if you abort before reaching them. As for any possible relationship of Warren's experience to me, let's just say that I have been born again -- but any stereotyped conception of what that means in my case would be way too simple. As it is likely for most...)

"An egg which came from no bird is no more natural than a bird which had existed from all eternity." -- C.S. Lewis (NOTE: This is actually a CORRECTION from the version that I had listed here. My memory was foggy but at least I didn't get the semantics wrong :)

"The god of Islam requires you to give your son to die for him. The God of the Bible gave His Son to die for you." -- Unknown from Franklin Graham's "The Name"