Wednesday, November 23, 2005

"He was for the plaintiffs before he was against them!"

Way, Way Beyond "Heh" ... Dementia Territory In Fact

Glenn points to this BOWT entry as a "heh" today. I don't see how that even begins to describe it. Dementia patients that ask what time it is every 5 minutes are more with it than this. What the h*ll is sub-puerile nonsense like this doing in anything rumored to be a respectable publication like WaPo -- complete with editors no less?

Froomkin quoting Murtha as saying pulling out of Iraq will cause the terrorists to leave us alone followed by smirking dismissal Cheney's argument that "It is a dangerous illusion to suppose that another retreat by the civilized world would satisfy the appetite of the terrorists and get them to leave us alone" as a straw man? That nobody is making this argument???

WaPo and Froomkin are literally demented themselves or have absolute confidence that their readers are enough so that they won't notice. The only good thing I can say is that it may be difficult for them to be both...

If Froomkin isn't old enough to be demented then smoking a lot of dope would be the likely alternative.

"MSMemory Hole" doesn't begin to describe this either. Not only have they sucked Orwell into his own Memory Hole, but their brains are at the epicenter of it.

I'm finally beginning to understand -- and it's scaring me. As C.S. Lewis said, the devil's greatest advantage is the belief he doesn't exist...

Virgins? What Virgins?

"The Admiral Emeritus once told me that the definition of disillusionment was watching your martial-arts instructor get his ass kicked in a country-western bar. Having one's commander surrender to the enemy when he and his ilk have sent dozens to kill themselves just to take out a few women and children in buses and pizzerias has to come in at least a close second on that scale. I wonder what Abu Rob's cohorts think of his sacrifice for the cause tonight."

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Jeff's Rockin'

"In Kos’s world, there is no difference between US military and the regime of Saddam Hussein—between humiliation and rape rooms ; between the sanctioned use of WP against entrenched terrorists and the use of nerve agents and WP on Kurdish civilians; between fighting to free a people and fighting to keep them subjugated.

Such moral relativism is not clever or nuanced, though it likes to pretend to be. Instead, it is obfuscatory for the sake of personal aggrandizement: Kos and his ilk like to play as the conscience of the country, but what they are, really, are the kinds of intellectually feeble brats who have come to take for granted the very system they hope to tear down. "

To which I would add: generally drug-laced too. And probably buying it from the mullahs ...

More On That CNN X-Rating...

Cheney gets MSMemory Holed once "again" by the MSMedia MSMorons. If you haven't read Goldstein's take on this -- including Cheney's well done speech itself -- you need to. The reason Cheney got the CNN X-Rating is that no lefties could possibly read it with due consideration without their brains actually melting. He's terminally nice in fact. But his intentions aren't good you see...

Did I mention that I consider Bush and Cheney both to be liberal softies?

But then that's why they're elected and I'm not. Well other than the obvious fact that anyone smart enough to be a principled politician is smart enough not to drag his family through a hellish cesspool of hateful garbage that in fact has no principles involved whatsoever on most days lately...
"What's wrong with this picture?"
"I would rather lose the presidency and win the war than the reverse."

Monday, November 21, 2005

Hillary out of step again...
"Matthews' enemy is the Bush administration, and he clearly doesn't understand its point of view. "
StrategyPage on Iraq beyond the Newspeak...
This story doesn't exist ... and neither do our borders...
The latest subliminal Newspeak from the Communist Neo-Syndicalist News Network. But don't worry ... now what was I saying again?
"Be ready to fight for it. "
"The most amazing part of all of this to me is that when the Clinton administration launched Operation Desert Fox in December 1998, Saddam's response was to quickly dispatch his top intelligence operative to bin Laden. Bin Laden then issued a condemnation of the U.S.-led air strikes and called on Muslims to retaliate against British and American targets. We know this because the worldwide media reported [it]. So, when you write, "it's not surprising that Saddam saw al Qaeda as a vehicle through which he could operate outside of his box," I think you are right in ways many will never admit."
"It's scary to think that Scheuer could have been the chief of the CIA's Osama bin Laden unit at its Counterterrorist Center. It's even scarier to think that his policy views may well reflect the agency's. "
TODAY'S REID DEMENTIA UPDATE: It's just beyond bizarre that the Dems are letting Harry lead them over this cliff.

McQ On Peters and Lieberman

You really need to read this. The whole thing. Here's at taste of the Peters snippets:
For God's sake, don't talk about democracy in the Middle East. After all, democracy wasn't much fun for the Dems in 2000 or 2004. Why support it overseas, when it's been so disappointing at home?

Human rights? Oh, dear. Human rights are for rich white people who live in Malibu. Unless you can use the issue to whack Republicans. Otherwise, brown, black or yellow people can die by the millions. Dean, Reid & Pelosi, LLC, won't say, "Boo!"

You've got to understand, my fellow citizens: None of this matters. And you don't matter, either. All that matters is scoring political points. Let the world burn. Let the massacres run on. Let the terrorists acquire WMD. Just give the Bush administration a big black eye and we'll call that a win.
Don't worry, I haven't given away the best stuff either.

And Lieberman -- apparently the only remaining non-amnesiac in the Dem party -- seems to recall something about a beach or the water's edge or something too...
"Vintage Bubba."
"He is a small piece of a large problem..."
I'm tired too!

Barone Has It Nutshelled

"Now, the progress toward democracy in Iraq is leading Middle Easterners to concentrate on the question of how to build decent governments and decent societies. We can see the results -- the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon, the first seriously contested elections in Egypt, Libya's giving up WMDs, the Jordanian protests against Abu Musab Zarqawi's recent suicide attacks and even a bit of reform in Saudi Arabia. In Syria, The Washington Post's David Ignatius reports, "people talk politics here with a passion I haven't heard since the 1980s in Eastern Europe. They're writing manifestos, dreaming of new political parties, trying to rehabilitate old ones from the 1950s."

Almost surely none of this would have happened without the liberation of Iraq. And there democracy goes forward: Seventy-eight percent voted for the Constitution last month, and democratic parties are contesting the elections to be held next month.

Against this backdrop, mainstream media headlined the call for withdrawal of Democratic Rep. John Murtha, who has long been skeptical about the war. The propagators of the big lie against President Bush are trying to delegitimize not only him, but also all the progress that has been made as a result of Iraq, progress both toward freedom for Middle Easterners and toward a Middle East that will no longer threaten the United States. "