Saturday, October 30, 2004

The Canary In The Coal Mine: Stolen Erieness For Our Stolen Election

I was about to do a post on how Osama seems to have turned into a devotee of the fat oaf MM (and maybe M&M is next come to think of it) himself. And then I read this comment on Roger Simon's blog and realized I had just been saved the trouble. Stolen here for your jaw dropping pleasure:
Copyright John with apologies to DTP:

I doubt there is collusion but damn this eerie:

Democratic talking point 1: Bush lies.

"Bush is still practicing distortion and misleading on you, and obscuring the main reasons and therefore the reasons are still existing to repeat what happened before."

Democratic talking point 2: Bush family/Saudi connection.

"Both parties are arrogant and stubborn and the greediness and taking money without right and that similarity appeared during the visits of Bush to the region while people from our side were impressed by the US and hoped that these visits would influence our countries. Here he is being influenced by these regimes, Royal and military."

Democratic talking point 3: Patriot law takes away our freedoms.

"So he transferred the oppression of freedom and tyranny to his son and they call it the Patriot Law to fight terrorism."

Democratic talking point 4: Bush stole the 2000 election.

"He was bright in putting his sons as governors in states and he didn't forget to transfer his experience from the rulers of our region to Florida to falsify elections to benefit from it in critical times."

Democratic talking point 5: 9/11 and My pet goat story

"Before Bush and his administration would pay attention and we never thought that the high commander of the US armies would leave 50 thousand of his citizens in both towers to face the horrors by themselves when they most needed him because it seemed to distract his attention from listening to the girl telling him about her goat butting was more important than paying attention to airplanes butting the towers which gave us three times the time to execute the operation thank god."
Pretty impressive, eh? No more talking points about Andalusia -- narrowed now to just how Israel is the font of all evil in the world. Did I mention that's a Dem talking point also???

So let's do put on our thinking caps. First, we have this clown -- not sure he's AQ but he seems to be produced by one of their normal production houses -- clearly telling us that it's all W's fault and they're about to make 9/11 seem like small potatoes.

Then we have what appears to be Osama with an October surprise appearance with Andalusian amnesia if not as a living breathing Democratic operative. Of course, there's the seeming veneer statement about not caring who wins but in fact, he's doing such a good job with Dem talking points that the most trusted man in America is convinced that Karl Rove is behind his transformation. (Did I mention that Walter has now officially joined John Neville Kerry in the coveted "nuttier than a pecan plantation" status?)

Even Wretchard thinks that Osama is making a surprisingly straightforward appeal to the electorate:
The American answer to Osama's proposal will be given on Election Day. One response is to agree that the United States of America will henceforth act like Sweden, which is on track to become majority Islamic sometime after the middle of this century. The electorate best knows which candidate will serve this end; which candidate most promises to be European-like in attitude and they can choose that path with both eyes open. The electorate can strike that bargain and Osama may keep his word. The other course is to reject Osama's terms utterly; to recognize the pleading in his outwardly belligerent manner and reply that his fugitive existence; the loss of his sanctuaries; the annihilation of his men are but the merest foretaste of what is yet to come: to say that to enemies such as he, the initials 'US' will always mean Unconditional Surrender.

Osama has stated his terms. He awaits America's answer.
Hooo haw. My ancestors were way, way smarter than anyone could have realized to flee Scandinavia, you betcha!

Sensing seems to be back at least temporarily and thinks they're down and we should take the opportunity to hit them hard while they are. (Now I remember why I missed Donald :) In a similar vein, Roger thinks it's just a hudna offer -- more likely but no reason not to take the Donald's advice!

If Karl Rove didn't write the script then I would guess Beldar is closer to the mark in thinking that Osama has a bead on Kerry:
I agree. But I respectfully disagree, in part, with Wretchard that "[t]he American answer to Osama's proposal will be given on Election Day." Yes, if Pres. Bush is re-elected, bin Laden will have his answer. But I don't think that bin Laden's tape is primarily an attempt to influence the course of the American election next Tuesday. Rather, I think it's a very clear attempt to begin negotiations with a Kerry administration for a "cease-fire" in the Global War on Terror.

Of course, I don't believe for an instant that bin Laden's sincere. Only a blithering fool would trust him. But only a blithering fool would —

  • have listened to the North Vietnamese/Viet Cong's "seven-point peace plan" during the Vietnam War, and have taken it at face value and endorsed it as the course that America should follow.
  • have believed Daniel Ortega's promises to reform his communist government in Nicaragua if only America would stop funding the contras.
  • have believed that a nuclear freeze and sharp cutbacks in America's military and intellligence programs would placate the Soviet Union and win the Cold War.
  • have believed that diplomacy would have gotten Saddam out of Kuwait in the last decade, or out of power in his own country in this one.
  • believe that North Korea will respond more favorably to unilateral negotiations with the United States than to combined pressure in six-way talks that also involve South Korea, Japan, China, and Russia.

One such blithering fool may be elected President of the United States on Tuesday. And Osama bin Laden — like Madame Binh, Daniel Ortega, a succession of Soviet dictators, Saddam, and Kim Jong Il before him — has already begun his sly attempts to manipulate that candidate. So it is that this blithering fool's personal history of enthusiastically swallowing just this kind of bait, hook, line, and sinker — and then trying to base America's course upon it — scares me far more than anything Osama bin Laden could ever say.
Bottom line is that both are true: Osama is going after moderation of talking points (it's a sad, sad commentary when Michael Moore's hateful drivel is considered moderate -- but it's surely true compared to the world wide Caliphate) to sway the voters as well as hoodwink Johnny boy -- who never met a tyrant he didn't support.

Osama thinks we're stupid enough not to notice the missing Andalusian Caliphate with the focus on Israel. John Neville Kerry is either taken in or thinks the coming Caliphate is a good thing -- how to tell which is a mystery. Possibly both are true.

The election has now become a referendum on whether Osama can hide the destruction of the Bamiyan statues.

As the Soviet dissidents used to say: "The future is known; it's the past that's always changing."


And here's why your vote is important from a comment on Captain's Quarters:
My liberal coworker just informed me that OBL wants Bush to get elected because he knows that if Kerry gets elected that Kerry will come after him and kill him.

How do I respond to something like this? I just quietly shake my head at the ignorance.
Freedom fighters? Really???

Banana Republic Watch

My guess right now is that just as Iraq will be looking to us for an example of how to run an election, we'll be degenerating into a banana republic. Powerline has some great perspective from Joseph Perkins on how we got here:
Richard Nixon would have captured the 1960 presidential election but for five states he lost by 5,000 votes or fewer – Missouri, Illinois, Nevada, New Mexico and Hawaii.
Gerald Ford would have retained the presidency in 1976 but for two states he lost by no more than 5,600 votes – Ohio and Hawaii.

Though the 1960 and 1976 elections were close, though they turned on a few thousand votes in a handful of states, the outcomes were faithfully accepted by the American people, by Republicans and Democrats alike.

That's because neither Nixon or Ford demanded that the votes be recounted in the states in which they lost by narrow margins. And neither Nixon or Ford insisted they were denied election because of voting irregularities in some state or another.

Then there was the 2000 election.

[Al] Gore refused to accept that he lost Florida, that he lost the presidency, by so small a margin. He refused to put the national interest before his own selfish interest.
Interesting to note that the hated Richard Nixon chose not to contest even though part of the problem was the Daley machine with corruption as deep as the Marianas trench. And Ohio hardly has a Snow White reputation in Ford's case.

I pray this election is not close. But I have serious doubts my prayers will be fulfilled on this one. (With humble apologies to the Lord, of course.)

Thanks, Al.
Stalking the blithering fool.
A hopeful sign. And jail. For a long time.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Peer reviewed. Uh huh.

Buy Your Black Hoodies

This might also explain why you could talk to lefties for eternity without a positive peep from them about the liberation of women in Afghanistan and Iraq. (Hat tip INDC)

Thursday, October 28, 2004

The Largest Bribery Scheme In The History Of The World

The largest bribery scheme in the history of the world. Surely you can tell me what that would be?

No, I haven't developed a fixation on the Guiness Book of World Records. (Well, my 7-year-old has though ;)

You'd never know it exists reading the traditional MSM though...

(I will post the link tomorrow to alleviate your suffering...)

UPDATE: Read all about it.


(How could I possibly resist such an elegantly titled post? ;)

McQ leverages Peters to eviscerate NYeTCBS's Al-Qaqaa. GO. READ. IT.

Never mind the IAEA's admission in their own reports that stuff could be removed via the ventilation shafts, El Baradei's obvious grudge against W for wanting him out for incompetence.

Did I mention part of the incompetence was letting Saddam keep this stuff beyond 1995 when the weapons inspectors first told him to destroy it?

And now you have a clue as to which Presidential candidate the word was born to describe...

UPDATE: More from Cliff May and Hugh (scroll down a ways). A warehouse 25 miles away??? Oh, brother. As Cliff points out you have Kerry's key foreign policy advisor (Holbrooke) admitting that nobody really knows what happened but Kerry is out there with this as his main attack this week. Pitiful...

Only The Name Remains

Stolen from the Kerry Spot:

"When the Bay of Pigs went sour, John Kennedy had the courage to look America in the eye and say, `I take responsibility, it's my fault," Kerry said, referring to a bungled invasion of Cuba in 1961. "John Kennedy knew how to take responsibility for the mistakes he made and Mr. President, it's long since time for you to start taking responsibility for the mistakes you made."
"You know, mistakes like reminding the Cuban-American community of why they hate the Democratic Party, just five days before an election in which I have staked almost everything on winning in Florida. Mistakes like comparing the popular successful overthrow of Saddam Hussein to a failed coup attempt in Cuba more than forty years ago. Mistakes like that."
Remember "The Greatest Intelligence Failure In History"? (Don't worry the answer is coming soon to a post near you...)

It's all right, I'll wait while you read it. It's short.

Well, the President that's the correct answer is amazingly NOT Kennedy (another big hint for you needless to say). But letting the Russians get as close as they did to seriously operational nukes in Cuba is definitely on the short list of contestants. And I do mean the SHORT list. And the Bay of Pigs as well as the near holocaust of the Cuban Missile Crisis were part of the legacy of one of the best Dem presidents of all time. (Surely I have your guessing compass oriented in the right direction by now?)

On the other hand, Caroline Kennedy's blather notwithstanding, the real J.F.K. was actually a liberal in the best classical tradition of the word -- modulo the Daley machine and a long list of other egregious issues of course.

He was the last outpost of sanity before the Democratic Party was co-opted by the loony left. Kennedy was for spreading Democracy, for staring down communists, for tax cuts, for going to the stars, for bearing any burden ... in short, he was heavily aligned with Ronald Reagan and W!

John Kerry is NOT for spreading Democracy -- in Vietnam, Iraq, Central America or anywhere else I am sad to inform you.

If we lived in a rational world and the lawyers weren't one of the cores of the Democratic Party -- the modern Democrats could be soundly convicted in a trial for fraudulent misrepresentation of goods.

Only the name remains without the brains.

That a boy John! Way to win Florida!

And Al Qaeda Would Vote For

Who Again?

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Who is Harold Baer, Jr.? And what did C-BS report about him? RTWT! (Hat tip INDC)

None In A Million

Guess who has some choice words:
Kerry claims Republicans disenfranchised 1 million black voters in Florida in 2000, but neglects to mention that after extensive and expensive hearings, the U.S. Civil Rights Commission failed to name a single one of them. Can you name just one out of that "million," Sen. Kerry? We've found more WMDs in Iraq than we've found disenfranchised blacks in Florida.

Indeed – to the contrary! – in 2000, blacks composed 11 percent of registered voters in Florida, but made up 17 percent of those who actually voted. If that's how Republicans "suppress" the black vote, blacks are better off when Republicans attack them than when Democrats pretend to be nice to them.
Yes, I can see why the Dems hate her so much. She has such an uncool habit of flooding the field with facts...

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

What? You mean Joe Lieberman got buried? You don't say!

Of The Manchurian Candidate

as Neville Chamberlain. Beldar rocks. And follow the links at least through to Lipscomb's article so you can experience scraping your jaw on the floor...

UPDATE: Texas Tech's Virtual Vietnam Archive has now posted the two documents on their public site referenced by Lipscomb's article.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Being Better at Bribery? I'm convinced now he can't even remember last week -- and his staff isn't competent enough to figure out they need to help him...

FLASH! W Too Slow To Invade!

OCTOBER SURPRISE TRIPLE-TWISTING BELLY FLOP: Kerry claims Bush did not invade Iraq soon enough! But he's not smart enough to know that. (I've disallowed myself any further references to Flipper inconstancy, doncha know.)

UPDATE: Did I mention that the Dems are not only mathematically illiterate themselves but projecting that illiteracy onto the rest of the populace? Can you say chasing 0.02% versus facing 2 million tons?

And for the final word -- well that seems to fall to Wretchard quite a bit now doesn't it? As in 'The price of passing the "Global Test" was very high; and having been gypped once, we now show ourselves eager to be taken to the cleaners again.'

And follow the whisker. CASE CLOSED.

UPDATE: It turns out that "opportunistic oppositionalism" doesn't even BEGIN to describe Kerry.

UPDATED AGAIN: Maybe if CBS could get money for stories that they didn't actually publish they wouldn't look so stupid. Luckily, we're not so stupid as to allow it. But why are we so stupid as to give them any $$$ for this pathetic drivel?

And from the NYeT so it MUST BE TRUE!

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Meeting "With The Entire Security Council" Is "Seared -- Seared -- In Me"

Remember my post on John Kerry's "Christmas in Cambodia" fiasco? Well now we have proof positive from Joel Mowbray writing in the Washington Times that Kerry spewed a whopper in the second Presidential debate about meeting "with the entire Security Council, and we spent a couple of hours talking about what they saw as the path to a united front in order to be able to deal with Saddam Hussein."

But before we get to that, let's summarize what I wrote in "Cambodian Case Closed Conclusively". In short, there are two options. The first -- and far and away most likely -- option is that Kerry was never in Cambodia. His crewmen -- including both his supporters and critics never mind his fellow Swiftie captains -- deny it and nobody has climbed out of the woodwork to confirm it. Zero support from ANY contemporary in Vietnam.

Following this option, by far the most likely timeline -- more on the timeline in the next option -- is that Kerry started fabricating this story out of the whole cloth beginning at the time of his 1979 review of "Apocalypse Now" for the Boston Herald:
JOHN KERRY: "On more than one occasion, I like Martin Sheen in "Apocalypse Now," took my patrol boat into Cambodia. In fact I remember spending Christmas Eve of 1968 five miles across the Cambodian border being shot at by our South Vietnamese allies who were drunk and celebrating Christmas. The absurdity of almost being killed by our own allies in a country in which President Nixon claimed there were no American troops was very real."
Following this he peaked in the attack on Reagan's Contra policy on the Senate floor:
In a 1986 speech on the Senate floor, Kerry said, ‘I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. . . . I have that memory which is seared - seared - in me.
The only problem with this is that even Kerry's hagiographer contradicts it:
Historian Douglas Brinkley’s bestselling Tour of Duty, based partly on Kerry’s wartime journals, places Kerry on Christmas 1968 in Sa Dec, 50 miles from Cambodia. ‘He was mistaken about Christmas in Cambodia,’ Brinkley told London’s Daily Telegraph last week.”
However, further years end up with this astounding reportage by the Washington Post from June 2003:
And who is he, really?

A close associate hints: There's a secret compartment in Kerry's briefcase. He carries the black attaché everywhere. Asked about it on several occasions, Kerry brushed it aside. Finally, trapped in an interview, he exhaled and clicked open his case.

"Who told you?" he demanded as he reached inside. "My friends don't know about this."

The hat was a little mildewy. The green camouflage was fading, the seams fraying.

"My good luck hat," Kerry said, happy to see it. "Given to me by a CIA guy as we went in for a special mission in Cambodia."

Kerry put on the hat, pulling the brim over his forehead. His blue button-down shirt and tie clashed with the camouflage. He pointed his finger and raised his thumb, creating an imaginary gun. He looked silly, yet suddenly his campaign message was clear: Citizen-soldier. Linking patriotism to public service. It wasn't complex after all; it was Kerry.

He smiled and aimed his finger: "Pow."
Continuing our almost certainty that Kerry's fabricating Cambodian Christmas, then we are left with options ranging from a Walter Mitty figurine that should be recalled from the Senate post-haste by his Massachusetts constituency -- to something far, far worse. Not to mention that outright lies on the Senate floor to attack Reagan would be an instant disqualification from the Presidency to any voter even feigning rationality.

The only other option -- Kerry is telling the truth about his Cambodian Christmas -- fits on the timeline as follows. (I know you're holding your nose at this point but bear with me!) Remember Kerry's infamous testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee in 1971 where he assassinated the character of the entire military (including my Marine cousin of course)?

Not only does Kerry not mention his Christmas in Cambodia but check out this snippet:
No ground troops are in Laos, so it is all right to kill Laotians by remote control. But believe me the helicopter crews fill the same body bags and they wreak the same kind of damage on the Vietnamese and Laotian countryside as anybody else, and the President is talking about allowing that to go on for many years to come. One can only ask if we will really be satisfied only when the troops march into Hanoi.
If Kerry had been in Cambodia, how could it possibly not be incompetence of simply fantastic proportions not to bring up his Cambodian Christmas at this point in his testimony to suggest that more than helicopter crews are in Laos? He could have gained huge credibility and nearly blown the roof off the room for heaven's sake!

You're telling me that we're going to elect someone this incompetent -- or at minimum a raving amnesiac -- to be President?

So our Cambodian options are liar/fantasist or incompetent/amnesiac.

And now comes the meeting with the "entire Security Council":
"This president hasn't listened. I went to meet with the members of the Security Council in the week before we voted. I went to New York. I talked to all of them, to find out how serious they were about really holding Saddam Hussein accountable," Mr. Kerry said of the Iraqi dictator.

Speaking before the Council on Foreign Relations in New York in December 2003, Mr. Kerry explained that he understood the "real readiness" of the United Nations to "take this seriously" because he met "with the entire Security Council, and we spent a couple of hours talking about what they saw as the path to a united front in order to be able to deal with Saddam Hussein."

But of the five ambassadors on the Security Council in 2002 who were reached directly for comment, four said they had never met Mr. Kerry. The four also said that no one who worked for their countries' U.N. missions had met with Mr. Kerry either.
In summary, I no longer call him Flipper since "Cambodian Case Conclusively Closed" is well aligned with today's "Council Case of Conclusively Consistent Cr*pola" over an arc of more than 30 years.

But I don't believe his new label should be "Liberal" as W is now touting. It is something far, far worse than that. But I trust I'm in polite company so I won't say it.

UPDATE: Beldar points out that "When reached for comment last week, an official with the Kerry campaign stood by the candidate's previous claims that he had met with the entire Security Council."

And Roger gets the Cambodia link.

UPDATED AGAIN: Not Russia or China, Either.

Projection 102: That's IT -- W Signs Go Up Tomorrow

Here's the Colorado update on voter intimidation. Complete with insights from a German immigrant:
“Somebody with a Bush bumper sticker had their car window broken out,” she says, “and now others are saying they’re afraid to have signs and stickers for Bush.”

The cars of Eagle-Vail resident Gunther Schmidt and his daughter had their Bush-Cheney bumper stickers scratched off, but he just stuck new ones right back on. Originally from Germany, Schmidt knows well the history of Hitler’s fascist movement and says the analogy fits.

“It starts kind of slow and easy with little things but can escalate into something more,” he comments. “I can see people being threatened by it, and becoming afraid that someone will do something to them. I thought we lived in a free country where you could express your opinion in a nonviolent way, without being punished for it.”

Schmidt advises standing firm and defying the attacks. “I would say to continue to show your support for whoever you are supporting – don’t give up because we can’t allow this country to go backwards.”

On the national level, the sign destruction has amped up into the trashing of Republican offices, physical attacks on Republicans, and even hails of bullets through the windows of campaign offices.

[Eagle County Bush-Cheney co-chair] Henri Stone got a powerful message that her views could be hazardous to her health when the couple returned home from a short trip to find the French doors to their bedroom shattered. Nothing was taken, indicating to the Stones that more menacing motives than larceny were at work.
This is too close to home -- a friend and I used to rent a condo in Vail for many years before I got married and settled down. I had been avoiding putting up signs and bumper stickers for W because I didn't want to have my car keyed. Now I don't care after this garbage. And I'm upping my already substantial contribution to W and the other Republican candidates.

The left loves to call the right Nazis. It's not the Dems getting shot at -- this is projection pure and simple.

P.S. Nazi is an abbreviation for "National Socialist" by the way -- not national capitalist. Ugghhh...

UPDATE: Slate's likely readership has determined I'm an asshole. The writer has a bit more insight.
Kerry's REAL "Band of Brothers".

Flippering Around

Turns out the left thinks the CIA is the Oracle of all wisdom. Just forget that little WMD deal. It was all Bush lies anyway.

Woodward Flippered off but facts don't matter so the WaPo endorsement goes to who you would have guessed of course...

Fraudsters for Flipper forge forward fearlessly.

FROM THE DENIHILIST COMMENT SECTION: Oh well. We can "probably" survive having a city or two nuked.