clipped from And then you learn what Jacques Chirac -- who now has a Muslim grandchild himself -- and Dominique de Villepin, do not wish you to learn. For if you did, you might be very angry. You discover that 1 out of every 3 babies born in France today is a Muslim baby. And that means, in 20 years, one of every three 20-year-olds in France will be a Muslim twenty-year-old. And that means, twenty years after that, at present rates of reproduction, France will have a majority Muslim population. Where shall we hide the statues from Marly-le-roi? And the Venus de Milo? And what about all those paintings of animated life -- all those portraits in the Louvre, and the Grand Palais, and the Musée Guimet down there in linden-lined Aix, and everywhere else in art-filled artful France, mère des arts, des armes, et des loix -- that are absolutely forbidden according to the immutable strictures of the Qur'an. Should they be sent for safekeeping to those Americans across the seas? |
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Where Will They Hide Them?
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Unintended Consequences (Part 83,390)
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On Avoiding Hesitation
clipped from Events spiralled out of Chamberlain's control so fast that the Nobel committee in Oslo were never able to offer him their peace prize It is also perhaps worth exculpating Alfred Nobel, for the farce his peace prize has become. The man took various precautions in his will to make sure it would not be cheaply politicized, and specifically that it would never be used as a means to influence current events. It was to be a retrospective award, for specific accomplishments universally acknowledged, and thus the opposite of a partisan statement. There is broad speculation, among the sort of people I hang out with, that it was offered to Obama on the understanding that he would "do a Le Duc Tho," and decline it The left-wing, pacifist committee wanted to saddle the new U.S. president with their little "hope diamond," in case he got any ideas about killing more jihadis in Afghanistan. Or hesitated to do to Israel what Neville Chamberlain did to Czechoslovakia. |
A Parody Several Times Removed
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Yet not as wealthy as Taiwan, which effected a proportionally greater transformation with no help from Communist tyranny. |
The Roof Will Continue To Hover In The Air?
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Diseased II
clipped from As a man who lived in Bangkok, for more years than he can comfortably admit, I have often suspected that sexually-transmitted disease plays a larger part in human events than the prim could ever imagine. In considering politics more generally, the phenomena of "madness" are difficult to chart. There are too many forms of it. In the world today we have several obvious madmen ruling states -- Ahmadinejad of Iran, Gadhafi of Libya, Chavez of Venezuela. The problem, for the "common people," with the sometimes arduous task of living under unhinged rulers, or with the conditions of life they create, is broader than can ever first appear. The lust for power itself is a moral failing, a beginning to madness.
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The Soviet Communists went to some length to destroy Lenin's medical records, and kill an unknown number of persons who might be aware of them. Yet as ever happens, they missed some bits, and diary scraps remain from Soviet doctors who treated him, and rather more from doctors who had treated him in Europe. Historians seemed previously hesitant to investigate this "little fact," woven into the background of the great tapestry of mass murder and unspeakable tyranny Diagnoses of syphilis have previously been made for several other of the great monsters of history, including Lenin's predecessor Ivan the Terrible, Henry VIII of England, Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler. |
Pray India And China Don't Cave
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The Truth Comes Out
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Song Of The Jackass' Stinking Pal
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Friday, October 23, 2009
The Definition Of Insanity
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pOlar idiOcy
clipped from What NO ONE is this article is talking about is ‘why the Chukchi Sea’. While ANWR is closed to oil development because of the Feds, the oil companies started looking in the opposite direction several years ago….in the Chukchi Sea area. WELL guess what they found……..OIL, NATURAL GAS, and more OIL speculated to be equal in the amount of output as Prudhoe Bay. And even better it was in areas that they could drill without Federal intervention. As soon as the discovery was announced here came the environmentalists screaming ‘migratory birds’, ‘arctic foxes’, ‘owls’….they pushed it all. At the same time they lost on all merits. It wasn’t until recently the Feds got on board to work with environmentalists to label the Polar Bear endangered, and now ‘LAND GRAB’ of oil producing area. LET NO ONE BE MIS-INFORMED, this is about stopping oil production, THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH POLAR BEARS, polar bear populations are skyrocketing in this area. |
How Very Special
clipped from In his 256-page report to Congress, Barofsky notes that the Treasury Department's failure to implement anti-fraud measures, or even to require TARP recipients to report how they used the billions Congress and the Treasury Department gave them, makes it highly unlikely that the $317 billion outstanding -- nearly half the TARP total -- will ever be returned to taxpayers. So there you have it: Treasury officials lied to Congress and the public, and refused to demand even a basic level of accountability from TARP recipients while borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars that taxpayers will eventually have to pay back, plus billions in interest.
When Even The "Sane Alternative" Is Lunatic
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Thursday, October 22, 2009
Barry Bounced
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Hard To Keep Up
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clipped from My sole purpose one and a half years ago when I started writing about what I saw happening in this country was to convince enough people that the fiscal and foreign policies of our politician leaders would lead to disaster, so that we could change our path and I could leave my three sons a future brighter than my own. I have come to the conclusion that less than 1% of Americans or 3 million people really care about the path of destruction we are on. Approximately 1% of the population owns 90% of the wealth in the country. The actual number of people in control of the country is quite small. There are maybe a couple thousand people who control the reins of power (100 people in the White House, 535 Congressmen, 50 bankers, 20 people in the Federal Reserve, 9 Supreme Court justices, 100 people in power at governmental agencies, 50 media titans, 100 corporate CEOs, and maybe 200 rich influential people such as Gates, Soros and Buffett). The majority of Americans are oblivious |
Problem? What Problem?
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Today's Shocka
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All I Got
clipped from A top White House economist says spending from the $787 billion economic stimulus has already had its biggest impact on economic growth and will likely not contribute to significant expansion next year.
Che With Lipstick And A Daley T-Shirt
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Don't Worry, The Snail Darter Will Find A Way To Stop This
clipped from Indeed, some geologists believe that gas supplies in the Marcellus and other shale deposits might be even more abundant than the PGC estimates. In January 2008, Lash and Terry Engelder, a colleague at Pennsylvania State University, calculated the amount of recoverable gas in the Marcellus deposit at 50 TCF. But initial drilling efforts in the region have gone so well that Engelder now puts the recoverable supply of gas at 489 TCF. If that's correct, it makes the Marcellus the second-largest natural-gas field in the world; only a massive offshore reserve shared by Iran and Qatar is larger. And using natural gas to replace gasoline and diesel fuel in vehicles could reduce the country's reliance on foreign oil. |
10-289 Watch
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COTD: History Lesson
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About That Death Panel (Bumped)
O Aristocracy II: The Barbarian Is In The Gates
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O Aristocracy
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Know No Net Neut
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
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clipped from Take taxation: Taxes simply transfer resources from consumers to
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Hit The Road Jackasses
clipped from Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have been pressing for an investigation of Countrywide Mortgage's "VIP Program," under which powerful Democrats like Kent Conrad and Chris Dodd received sweetheart mortgages, apparently as bribes. So what did the Democrats do? To a man (or woman), they hid. The Republicans made this entertaining video of the incident:
Don't Hold Your Breath
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Can the administration work up a similar level of concern for an apparently innocent American citizen who has been made a pawn by Iran's extremist leaders? We'll see. It would be a departure for Obama's administration to actually try to advance American interests or defend American citizens. |
Atheism 3.0 II
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