Tuesday, June 22, 2004

No More Parenting or Teaching I'm Afraid...

... not while there's a WoT, anyway...

The farce of the Abu Graib "scandal" has now reached truly amazing proportions. Going far beyond the question of how on earth having a man wear women's panties on his head can be considered to be "torture" while at the same time not proving him to be wildly misogynistic, we have the following from Power Line via Glenn:
Rumsfeld, too, authorized only the mildest forms of interrogation of prisoners, even al Qaeda leaders. I found this paragraph, near the end of the AP's account, astonishing
:[Rumsfeld] approved 24 interrogation techniques, to be used in a manner consistent with the Geneva Conventions, but said that any use of four of those methods would have to be approved by him in advance. Those four were use of rewards or removal of privileges from detainees; attacking or insulting the ego of a detainee; alternating the use of friendly and harsh interrogators, and isolation.
I hate to disillusion liberals, but as a trial lawyer, I routinely use two of those four techniques in cross-examining witnesses, and I use at least one of the other two on my children. Frankly, I find it appalling that those in charge of terrorist prisoners may only "reward or remove privileges from detainees" with the permission of the Secretary of Defense. If the Democrats had any sense, they would argue that these documents indict the administration as soft on terrorists.
But don't worry, it's we and not they that live in a disorienting echo chamber. Yikes...