Thursday, July 01, 2004

Sterilization Conspiracies

spotted on Pejmanesque:
The following quote is -- quite simply -- horrifying:

"Beheading and hostage-taking are not legitimate in Islamic law," said Riyadh Hussein, the white-turbaned imam of a soaring new mosque in downtown Baghdad. He suggested that the hostage-takings were the result of some unspecified conspiracy. "I have no doubt some of our people gloat over it. But this is being done to destroy the image of the resistance and the image of Muslims in the rest of the world. I feel there are some pockets of extremists in the Islamic world who are motivated and manipulated by Americans or others."

How does WaPo justify printing the ravings of a conspiracy nut??? Oh wait, I is WaPo after all...

Along the same lines, I was reading in this weeks's Economist that polio rates in Africa have soared because some idiot Islamic cleric preached that the Polio vaccine was a Western Plot to sterilize Muslims....
It turns out that sterilization primarily affects the neurons -- who'd a thunk it? And then the coup de main:
remarkable isn't it how the conspiracies of the Arab street have been adopted, maybe even topped by the conspiracies of the Democratic Party Underground, MoveON, etc.
Don't call them DUmmies for nothing...