Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Hypocrisy Interlude: But Kerry Was A Hero Of Course...

Pulling a Kerry. Lib hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Did I forget to mention that the reporter just might have a particular POV? That just might match my theme?

And you need to read Wretchard -- especially his ending:
Salehma Mahmoud, 43, and her four daughters fled Fallujah on Tuesday after her husband was killed fighting against the Americans. They walked 4 miles only to be confronted by Iraqi soldiers who insulted and harassed them, grabbing at Mahmoud's oldest daughter. "He grabbed Fatima's hand and tried to kiss her. I was trying to stop him with all I had," she said. "He beat me and pushed me to the ground, and his friends were laughing at us loud. He tore the right sleeve of my daughter's dress and lay her on the ground."

To Mahmoud's surprise -- because she had been told that US troops would beat and rape her -- a US patrol rescued them. An American soldier pulled the Iraqi soldier away and yelled at him. Mahmoud's daughter, who speaks some English, told her that the American called the Iraqi names and said, "If you had really come to save the people of this city, you would not have done such a thing."
You can bet the Globe's Lib editors had a struggle before they printed this -- for it contradicts the "story line" you see...

UPDATE: They're called "security rounds". Oh, and on top of that 1) no uniform + 2) fighting from mosques = 3) no Geneva conventions any way you slice it. (Hat tip LGF)

AND AGAIN: This is truly eye-opening. And Donald (note the end) and Wretchard need to be read.