Thursday, December 02, 2004

All You Need To Know About Jimmy (And More)

Shamelessly stolen from James today:
A Blessed Absence
A New York Sun editorial offers an amusing observation on the disputed election in Ukraine: Jimmy Carter is nowhere to be found, even though "in recent years, scarcely a trouble spot has been spared the ministrations of our ex-president." The Sun asks "why he has left Ukraine alone":

Search for the dog that didn't bark. It's not the post-Soviet thugs who are seeking to rig the contest in favor of Moscow's candidate, for they are noisily preserving their privileges. Nor is it the democrats who bravely and brazenly wish to align with the West. They aren't Mr. Carter's kind and can't lay claim to any sort of leftist legitimacy. Why, it's Karl Marx who's missing from the field. Ukraine is thus rescued by virtue of the fact that the peanut farmer from Georgia hasn't got a dog in this fight.
Hoo Haw!

Come to think of it, it's a BOTW kind of day: Marc Rich illustrating the Clinton's corruption by surfacing in the middle of the Oil For Food scandal, Peter Beinart pining for the ADA to return to the roots that it now ruthlessly stuffs down the Memory Hole, the correct analysis of battered Victocrats and the Palestinian's Eugene Debs angles for the Nobel Prize! Go there, for it is good.

UPDATE: The Trunk wonders too...