Sunday, February 06, 2005

But Being A Colorado Resident ...

Glenn and Eugene and Wretchard and Campos all have good takes on the Ward Churchill ugliness.

But they haven't caught up to Kaplis and Silverman.

Listen to this. And the interview with Governor Owens.

I would suggest that we need to change the rules to say it's OK to shout "fire" in a crowded theatre if this sort of incitement to violence isn't even a firing offense -- never mind an impressive immitation of treason.

That's the real nub of the issue. I don't care what he calls me -- and make no mistake that by his definition I am an Eichmann. But I have more than a bit of trouble with his incitement of his followers to kill me and -- and make no mistake -- you.

UPDATE: Powerline is catching up! I knew they would...