Thursday, September 01, 2005

Stunned Atlantis-Gazing

Needless to say, I have been massively stunned watching and reading about the Katrina disaster and it has put quite a crimp on my posting productivity -- not to mention having quite a week at work. My last post finally did break the torpor a bit.

And it looks like my Salvation Army donation recommendation was even more prescient than I thought:
A lot is going on down here that is not in the news. First, our esteemed governor and the mayor of NO are both idiots. This is the real reason for problems. Second, the NO police force is second only to the mafia in corruption and much of the looting and theft are coming from them as well as their lassitude in doing their job. Third, all Louisiana communities need clothes of any kind. See if your local Salvation Army will send to the shelters throughout the state and blog to give any clothes to the [Salvation] Army. You notice I did not say the Red Cross, they do not have a sizable presence here and are only fishing for money like after 9/11.
WOW. Maybe I was going too easy on the Red Cross and mayor Nagin after all. That will teach me to be Christian :(

And then there's the small matter of the pecking order in congress. While -- ironically -- the leader of the House started to "channel" the somber reflections on rebuilding New Orleans of my previous post -- until his political instincts came back to life.

But one can count on Wretchard for some perspective on the sudden appearance of our modern-day Atlantis.

UPDATE: The Captain has more: "There is not enough money in the gross national product of the United States to dispose of the amount of hazardous material in the area." And in spite of this he doesn't want to throw in the towel! That IS optimism! I love the Captain -- but he needs to read his own posts more carefully once in a while :(