Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Condi Plays The Dating Game

Check this out from Ramos-Horta via DeMarche:
...I oppose wars as a matter of personal conviction. But because of my own experience, I also say that sometimes the use of force is necessary to put an end to tyranny and genocide. Can anyone condemn the U.S. for having intervened during World War II, to save the Jews from total annihilation? Can we condemn the NATO countries for intervening against Milosevic in 1998? For saving the Kosovars from annihilation? And moving to Afghanistan, it is often far too simplistic for blaming the U.S. But people forget that the U.S. gave an ultimatum to the Taliban regime to turn over Osama bin Laden. Pakistani diplomats traveled to Kabul twice, to persuade the Taliban to hand over Osama bin Laden. Here you have a state, Afghanistan, ruled by a regime that hosted a network and boasted about it, and defied the rest of the world about it. So, what should you do? The pacifists say "bring them to justice." Sure. Tell me how to bring them to justice without using force.
This little tour-de-force (pardon the pun) was just one from Ramos-Horta set in the context of DeMarche's support for Condi holding her ground during the "dating game" in her latest testimony before the Senate. Thankfully, she held her ground and refused to set any dates for withdrawing from Iraq, properly noting that:
"The terrorists want us to get discouraged and quit," Rice said. "They believe we do not have the will to see this through."
But the best line was reserved for one of DeMarche's commenters:
The next time someone on the left wants a date for withdrawal from Iraq, ask them for a date to give up on diplomacy with Iran. The Iraq date will be a month after the Iran date which will be 1 day before Iran is invaded. See if that doesn't stop the whining.
That about sums it up. Well, except for some "accidental" bombings in Syria as well. Why let the Palis have a monopoly on "bombing accidents"? But in our case, the bomber crew will come back safe and sound to load up for another mission. This time actually hitting Iran.

Well, only after a "severe" chastising of course. Oh so severe.


Fooled ya with that title, didn't I?