Monday, November 21, 2005

McQ On Peters and Lieberman

You really need to read this. The whole thing. Here's at taste of the Peters snippets:
For God's sake, don't talk about democracy in the Middle East. After all, democracy wasn't much fun for the Dems in 2000 or 2004. Why support it overseas, when it's been so disappointing at home?

Human rights? Oh, dear. Human rights are for rich white people who live in Malibu. Unless you can use the issue to whack Republicans. Otherwise, brown, black or yellow people can die by the millions. Dean, Reid & Pelosi, LLC, won't say, "Boo!"

You've got to understand, my fellow citizens: None of this matters. And you don't matter, either. All that matters is scoring political points. Let the world burn. Let the massacres run on. Let the terrorists acquire WMD. Just give the Bush administration a big black eye and we'll call that a win.
Don't worry, I haven't given away the best stuff either.

And Lieberman -- apparently the only remaining non-amnesiac in the Dem party -- seems to recall something about a beach or the water's edge or something too...