Saturday, February 25, 2006

Tinfoil, Lockstep And Light Sabers

Ed takes on Bill with a little history lesson. No, not his favorite target Bill -- a quite different one.

But don't worry, the right marches in lock step behind Karl Rove. Did I forget to mention again that I control Karl Rove?

< tinfoil_hat >

But speaking of tinfoil hats, as I was going through one of the exhibit rooms at the local university's physics open house today with the boys, I overheard one lady talking ever so "scientifically" to another that the damage to the Pentagon on 9/11 was caused by lasers and there was no plane that crashed into it.

Having noticed the Holocaust remembrance week posters scattered around campus as we walked to the open house, I couldn't resist pitching in and telling her companion that "there was no Holocaust either you know" and promptly moved on after noticing how it opened the eyes of the lunatic's companion. I sensed a subtle hint of the companion's agreement with my derision but chose not to linger and be blinded by the (virtually phosphorescent) glare from the lunatic's (virtual) tinfoil hat -- and risk spoiling what turned out to be a fun day with the boys.

< /tinfoil_hat >

Lasers and light sabers you know...