Sunday, March 12, 2006

Comment of the Day on Iran and the Cycles of History

"All of this reminds me of a scene from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," in which Lancelot is charging toward a castle gate, brandishing his sword - while the two guards at the gate smile pleasantly at his onrush. He reaches the gate, kills one guard who doesn't even try to defend himself; the other guard blurts out a dismayed, "Hey!" before Lancelot cuts him down, too.

This is the kind of mindset that is going to bring back Churchill's ominous warning to Chamberlain after Munich; words to the effect of, "You were given a choice between appeasement and war; you chose appeasement, and you will have war.""

Ah, but what did Churchill know anyway? And read the whole thing for the history lesson about the open intentions of lunatics that we should never have to be excavating from the memory hole...