Tuesday, August 15, 2006

And that post had the current comment of the day:
"Annan's comments about "weeks or months" are custom designed to respond to any attempt by Israel to renew action with "We were in the process of placing troops in the region and enforcing the resolution...." Israel should have not gambled on winning the PR battle, it will not happen in the realm of public opinion. On a more general note, remember the scene in Apocalypse Now when Colonel Kurts tells the story of the pile of little arms and how he suddenly realized what was required to win the war? It was not numbers or high-tech equipment, but the willpower to be immoral in the pursuit of victory. Western nations must honestly assess how this has been successful for terrorists. And at some point, not now, but if something beyond 9-11 in scope of tragedy occurs, we may find ourselves forced to make the same decision and start treating the non-combatants that harbor terrorists as the enemy they often are."