Sunday, October 29, 2006

Today's Risible NYeT Update

"Oct. 27, 2006—This week’s exchange with the New York Times isn’t the first time the Department of Defense has expressed concern about inaccuracies in a Times editorial. A September 7 editorial (“A Sudden Sense of Urgency”) asserted that, with the transfer of 14 high-value terrorist suspects to Cuba, “President Bush finally has some real terrorists in Guantánamo Bay.” In fact, those held prior to the transfer included personal bodyguards of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda recruiters, trainers, and facilitators. Another individual held at Guantánamo was Mohamed al-Kahtani, believed to be the intended 20th hijacker on September 11th.

The Times declined to issue a correction, noting that “the phrase in question was meant to be somewhat lighthearted in tone and not literal."

POWER LINE NOTES: Right. The Times is "lighthearted" about Guantanamo Bay. Note, too, the Times's standard in refusing to make a correction here: it's unnecessary because no one will believe what we wrote.
[ Well, yes. Anyone who has more than a passing interest in reality would have stopped reading them long ago. But of course the few thousand readers that are left swallow this risible sedition as if it were gospel... -ed. ]