Friday, December 01, 2006

Hojjatieh Again

"However, a more ominous thing IBD reports has to do with Ahmadinejad’s religious mentor:
Mesbah-Yazdi, an ideological mentor to Ahmadinejad, is an extremist cleric
who endorses the use of suicide bombers against Israel and for confrontation
with the West.He is also campaigning to succeed Grand Ayatollah Ali Khameini as
head of the Iranian Islamic state, and his ties to fellow fundamentalist
Ahmadinejad give him a leg up. If he wins, as appears all too probable, Iran
will be taking another step away from democracy and toward war.

As those who are prone to wave off Ahmadinejad’s ramblings are fond of pointing out, the real power in Iran lays not with him but with the head of the Iranian Islamic state.Given this interesting news, we now have a new name and a new situation to monitor. One should assume, if Ahmadinejad is a reflection of his religious mentor, should Mesbah-Yazdi eventually replace Khameini, the situation in Iran may worsen and Ahmadeinejad’s threats will have to be taken much more seriously. How nice. " [ And how predicted. -ed. ]