Sunday, January 21, 2007

Did I Forget To Mention It Was Greeley Where Things Went South?

Dean's not a big fan of Dinesh D'Souza's new book for at least one reason that I agree wholeheartedly with and have the inside scoop on for you:

"In D’Souza’s view, beleaguered, socially conservative Islamacists feel besieged by the American culture. Especially offensive to the Islamic world is our “blue state” culture that has brought things like homosexuality, abortion, cruddy reality shows and insipid pop artists to the doorstep of a Muslim world that treasures nothing more than traditional values. D’Souza further theorizes that if right thinking Americans can somehow control the pathologies of the American left or at the very least let the Muslim world know that the rest of us consider them pathologies also, the Muslim world will no longer hate America.

This view of things is dangerously misguided, and dangerously ignorant. The Radical Islamic world doesn’t hate us because our TV shows are too racy or our women too provocative. The Radical Islamic world hates us not for what we are but for what we aren’t. Specifically, the haters at issue loathe us because we’re not Muslims.
[ Unfortunately true. -ed. ]

Here’s how the Ayatollah Khomeini put it:

“Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those who say this are witless. Islam says: Kill all the unbelievers just as they
would kill you all! Kill them, put them to the sword and scatter their armies.”
[ Yes. Westerners are all just like Khomeini's minion's. I know the very first thing I do upon waking up is think of how I can go kill me some Muslims. Sigh. -ed. ]
One of the things that makes “The Enemy at Home” so strange is that D’Souza never grapples with this side of Islam. Especially odd is the fact that even though D’Souza quotes Khomeini at several points, he never cites this particular speech. This is almost inexplicable; the above quote comes from a 1942 Khomeini work that is more or less the equivalent of the madman’s Gettysburg Address. It’s his signature piece. It defies belief that D’Souza delved even superficially into the Khomeini collection and these comments didn’t catch his eye. [ Definitely a huge blooper. -ed. ]

I have other complaints with the book. There are many instances that suggest either sloppiness or intellectual dishonesty on D’Souza’s part. To give us insight into the Jihadist loathing for American culture, D’Souza relies on the writings of the father of modern Radical Islam, Sayyid Qutb. Qutb spent two years in America and then returned to the Middle East thoroughly disgusted by American culture. He spent the rest of his life chronicling his hatred for America’s decadent society in assorted writings.

Here’s where D’Souza is dishonest or careless: He informs the reader that Qutb died in 1966. He fails to inform the reader that the time Qutb spent in America was between 1948 and 1950.
[ Yes! This is the "The Local Root Cause" I wrote of quite a while back. If you want a real eye-opener overview of Al-Qaeda, Qtub and Greeley, you should check out 5280 Magazine's "Al Qaeda's Greeley Roots". It's a little longish but well worth the investment. The point toward the end about enforced virtue not being a virtue at all deserves special attention. I couldn't agree with it more. -ed. ]

Since D’Souza blames our culture for much of the Islamic world’s animus towards America, this is no small matter. The culture of the 1940’s wasn’t what it is today. Perhaps Qutb was scandalized by pop culture products of the time like the overt raciness of “The Best Years of Our Lives” or the raw sexuality contained on the typical Bing Crosby record; the man was after all a lunatic. But the culture of the late 1940’s contained none of the things that D’Souza so obviously deplores and that he postulates are inflaming the Muslim world. The 1940’s had no filthy hippies, no gangsta rap, no gay weddings
." [ In other words, they also hate us for what we were before we became what we are. That is, even before we became something that D'Souza fantasizes we could retract. How I wish it weren't so... -ed. ]