Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Ghosts Clowns Of Chamberlain

"On the airplane on his way to Iran Khomeini was asked by reporter Peter
Jennings: "What do you feel in returning to Iran?" Khomeini answered "Hic ehsasi
nadaram" (I don't feel a thing).
In other words, Khomeini (and most of his followers) are not Iranian nationalists. They are Islamists doing "God's work." National borders do not exist in their eyes. There can be no separation of church and state, because there is no state. Parts of Iraq like Najaf and Kerbala are God's territory to them. They are key Shiite holy places.

And yet the semi-literate partisans in our Congress voted yesterday to withdraw from Iraq and give the mullahs what they originally sought in the Iran-Iraq War (those same holy places). Moreover, that same Islamic Republic of Iran will soon be nuclear.

Perhaps we should call our Congress the Chamber of Clowns