Friday, May 25, 2007

The Real Goons

clipped from

The “Elevating Society’s Security” Plan is what the Islamic Republic call its savage attacks on Iran’s youths, especially females, in Tehran.

Esmaeil Ahmadi, commander in chief of the “Disciplinary Forces” —what the Islamic Republic call its police force— said on Thursday that these social abnormalities (youth’s way of dressing, and their behavior) are a consequence of “the imperialists meddling in our internal affairs.”

In a different gathering of mullahs for Friday’s prayer, Tehran’s police chief Ahmad Reza Radan said that since the execution of the “Elevating Society’s Security” plan more than 1,000 shops and businesses have been shut down and more than 1,200 automobiles have been confiscated. More than 75,000 warnings have also been given to both men and women for improper dress code. More than 3,000 arrests have been made.

And I'm so glad to see all of our feminists filling the streets protesting this. Oh, wait a minute.