Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Missing Smoke Filled Room

clipped from

Telling the public the truth about Iran would require a call for action. Hence, silence. Remember the media covered up the Nazi holocaust too and for the same reason. All this would be less disconcerting if we had reason to believe that somewhere in a smoke filled room somebody responsible has a realistic grasp on the unvarnished reality and will be able to make decisions on the best information available. Alas, we do not. Somebody will roll the dice and if he/she is wrong there will be another holocaust to pay. On the plus side, the US government did what it should have done months ago, it told American citizens to stay out of Iran.

Anyone who has read Anthony Cave Brown's "Bodyguard of Lies" can only be aghast at what appears to be stunning fecklessness and incompetence by all parties but the Islamofascists. And the irony is that the enemy also shows enough incompetence -- ruthless thugs are by definition incompetent as Brown's account also makes clear -- to convince the small number of thoughtful Dems that the problem isn't big enough to get serious about. Until the one bomb state turns up missing one day (soon).