Saturday, June 23, 2007

Postman's Ghost Again

My own email inbox easily fills from friends who directly, or more often unconsciously and indirectly, attest to the destructive psychic effects of having to remain constantly “in touch.” We are like little explorers so busy reporting back, that we could never possibly discover anything. Few of us can count the wires that bind us, and fewer have the practical let alone spiritual means to detach ourselves.

Nothing against communications technology in principle; or nothing I will casually admit. My point is rather a development of the one I was making in last Wednesday’s column, about a media world in which everyone is talking, and no one is listening, and what people are saying is increasingly bizarre.

Unlike the ideologues of one stripe or another (especially the environmentalist ideologues), I see no way out of this, except through individual action. And by this, I do not mean political action, but the exact opposite.