Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Elephant (Lieberman Edition)

In truth, the Iranians have been at war with us since 1979, a fact that Jimmy Carter ignored for 444 days and almost every President since did for the entirety of their terms. Now the Senate wants to take up the ISG's recommendations and pass them into law, based on the notion that we can negotiate for good terms with a nation that has done nothing but attack our interests for a generation. It moves American denial from the absurd to an art form -- and Lieberman seems to be the only statesman in Washington pointing out the obvious.

We have tried negotiations with Iran for two decades. People seem to forget the Iran-Contra scandal at convenient times, but the heart of the issue was Ronald Reagan's misguided attempt to gain the freedom of hostages in Lebanon by trading with the mullahcracy. It worked -- as far as it went. Iran had the hostages released after Iran got its military hardware, and afterwards went right back to fomenting terrorism in Lebanon and throughout the Middle East.