Sunday, August 19, 2007

Don't Laugh

300,000 years BCE, In a bright sunny day, a few Homo sapiens are taking preperation for hunting. These early people are hairy but not slow-witted as some future archaeologists may think.
They are smart enough to find colors from nature. These early Michelangelos are making red color from Iron oxide, and black from manganese or charcoal, left over from the cooking fires.

Invention, Art and Music are the icons of human race. People of future will proudly recall their ancestors for not becoming extinct. These civilized minds of uncivilized age laid the foundation of humankind.
Year 2004 AD, in a remote village of an Islamic country, a group of students is chanting a chorus. No, they are not singing or reciting a poem. Singing is prohibited in this classroom and it’s an unforgivable sin.
He never laughs. Laughing is an unacceptable behavior in Islam and it’s against Mohammad’ teachings.