Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Gun-Free Wilderness "Experience"

Chatting recently with a minor impresario of “eco-tourism,” I was told that “the trend in the future will be towards the gun-free wilderness experience.”
Aha, I realized. His customers are naïve urban people.
my worry now centres on the simultaneous spread of “democracy,” in the limited sense of people voting on things. Our own experience, in Canada and throughout the West, has been, that as a democratic polity urbanizes, the people and therefore the politics become increasingly batty, owing chiefly, I think, to the insulation of urban people from the basic facts of life.

In the small example above -- irrational fear of guns, leading to politically-correct efforts to ban them everywhere -- and in the many other examples I tend to offer, passim, in these columns, we have the spectacle of naïve urban people who believe themselves competent to vote even on the laws of nature, and when this happens, I don’t know to what other planet the rest of us may repair.