Thursday, August 02, 2007

You Know It's A Real Stopped Clock Day...

Here's a really lethal combination. Telling the enemy that you are going after him with inadequate forces and then specifying in advance what the limits of your rules of engagement are. Barack Obama, just days after saying he would send American forces into Pakistan if Musharraf did not crack down on al-Qaeda said but added that he would not use nuclear weapons against al-Qaeda under any circumstances. The Washington Post reports:

"His position could not be more clear," said Obama spokeswoman Jen Psaki. "He would not consider using nuclear weapons to fight terror targets in Afghanistan and Pakistan." That position came a day after Obama vowed he would be willing to strike al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan with or without the approval of the government of Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.

The New York senator and former first lady quickly pounced
"I think presidents should be very careful at all times in discussing the use, or non-use, of nuclear weapons," she said.
...when you find yourself on the same side as Hillary and Pakistan at the same time...