Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Betrayal Update

"One of the great advantages of going is you can look and get a sense of what the atmosphere is," Kline said. "People are going about their business, the shops are open, they're walking around the street."

Kline said the lawmakers were greeted by children who laughed, teased and asked for money. Adults smiled and gave the thumbs up.

"Just a sense of normalcy — people getting on with their lives," he said.

Like many observers, Kline credits our change of tactics more than the increased number of troops for the success we've seen in recent months.

So when John Kline says that he sees "amazing" progress on the ground in Iraq, his words are entitled to considerable weight. Unless, of course, you think that military officers who disagree with MoveOn.org must necessarily be betrayers of their country.