Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Man Who Knew The Value Of Nothing

Wretchard asks concerning Jimmy Carter, "How can one become an officer in the Navy, a governor of Georgia and a President of the United States without knowing when you are being taken for a ride?"

Jimmy Carter destroyed the US Nuclear industry because the biggest concern he had was the fear of nuclear proliferation. He later forced Bill Clinton to sign an unverifiable treaty with North Korea that was the key to their ability both to stay in power and to build their bomb.

Jimmy Carter turned Iran from the strongest US ally in the Arab world into a charter member of the terrorist Axis of Evil. He withdrew his support of the Shah of Iran because the Shah had about 400 political prisoners. The Ayatollah Khomeini (whom Carter called "a good and holy man") murdered 20,000 pro-Western Iranians in his first year in power.
They invented the word "stagflation" to describe the results of Carter's economic policies.