Tuesday, October 23, 2007


After their departure, Qassemi went on to claim that Fidel Castro, the “supreme guide” of Guevara, was also a man of God. “The Soviet Union is gone,” he affirmed. “The leadership of the downtrodden has passed to our Islamic republic. Those who wish to destroy America must understand the reality and not be clever with words.”

The deluded Guevara children are mistaken. Qassemi is correct. The sole remaining basis of Marxism from this point forward is no longer Dialectical Materialism. Not the Labor Theory of Value. Nor the principle of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. In fact nobody knows what any of these things means any longer except for some old codgers leafing through tattered volumes at the Revolution Bookstore. They are unimportant now. Nobody believes them any more. Nothing is important any longer but revenge -- vengeance for showing up all the lies in the 100 odd years in which Marxism tried to rule the world.