Thursday, November 15, 2007

Fake But Bizarre -- On Stilts In Fact

Dan Rather’s “fake but accurate” lawsuit against CBS has left CBS executives “mystified.”

Today, in New York Supreme Court, in response to Dan Rather’s civil lawsuit, CBS filed a lengthy 30-page motion to dismiss the case.

CBS executives also released a statement today, noting that they are “mystified” by Rather’s “bizarre allegations” but will “vigorously” defend themselves in court if need be.

“Dan Rather is one of the most important figures in the history of broadcast journalism, and for more than 40 years was one of our most valued colleagues,” CBS said in the statement. “That is why we at CBS are mystified and saddened by the baseless and self-serving allegations and distortions of fact raised in his lawsuit.”

“Of course, there was no such nefarious scheme, and Rather’s allegations bear no resemblance to reality. CBS and its executives are not now, and never have been, out to get Dan Rather.”
Let me ask an inconvenient question: What does it say about the state of our country and its "journalists" that Dan Rather can still be considered "one of the most important figures in the history of broadcast journalism"?

Did I forget to mention that he's crazier than a Cuckoo Clock? On stilts?