Friday, December 07, 2007

The Absolute Worst

"Su Wei, a top climate expert for China's government attending the U.N. Climate Change Conference, said the job belongs to the wealthy. He said it was unfair to ask developing nations to accept binding emissions cuts and other restrictions being pushed for already industrialized states."

He said the United States and its fellow industrial nations have long spewed greenhouse gases into the atmosphere while newly emerging economies have done so for only a few decades. "China is in the process of industrialization and there is a need for economic growth to meet the basic needs of the people and fight against poverty,"

Why have things come to the point where the most stable and prosperous democracies in history must vie for the approval and acclamation of the Chinese bureaucrats and self-appointed nongovernment organization inspectors? It is in part because Western "intellectuals" who should know better have submitted the moral judgment of the relative best to the absolute worst.