Saturday, December 15, 2007

Clinton Light

A very nice man, yes. A very fiscally conservative man, no. This is a must read story and pretty much sums up my feelings about Huckabee.
Betsy Hagan, Arkansas director of the conservative Eagle Forum and a key backer of his early runs for office, was once "his No. 1 fan." She was bitterly disappointed with his record. "He was pro-life and pro-gun, but otherwise a liberal," she says. "Just like Bill Clinton he will charm you, but don't be surprised if he takes a completely different turn in office." ...

"He has zero intellectual underpinnings in the conservative movement," says Blant Hurt, a former part owner of, and columnist for, Arkansas Business magazine. "He's hostile to free trade, hiked sales and grocery taxes, backed sales taxes on Internet purchases, and presided over state spending going up more than twice the inflation rate."
You'll have to scroll to the bottom of the table to find Huckabee as he was one of only nine governors to receive an F.